Genesis of the "NO" Logo

In history there have been two basic forms of social organization: collectivism and individualism. In the 20th and 21st century, collective variations have included socialism, fascism, Nazism, and communism. Under collectivism, a ruling class of “intellectuals”, bureaucrats, politicians and/or social planners decides what people want or what is “good” for society and then uses the coercive power of the State to regulate, tax and redistribute wealth in an attempt to achieve their desired objectives. Individualism is a political and social philosophy that emphasizes individual liberty, belief in the primary importance of the individual and in the virtues of self-reliance and personal independence and responsibility. It embraces opposition to controls over the individual when exercised by the state. The Preamble to our Constitution makes it plain that all power rests originally with the people, as individuals.
The “O” within the circle represents collectivism in its various forms. The “N” represents an emphatic repudiation of collectivism. The red, white and blue circles encompassing the “NO” are emblematic of our Republic. It is the responsibility of the individuals in an engaged and enlightened republic to limit the influence of the government, especially one that attempts to wield power outside the boundaries delineated by the Constitution.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Betrayed Again

The Tea Party has been maligned, abused, falsely accused, mocked and derided for standing for freedom and fiscal responsibility. 22 stood against Boehner’s suicidal plan that was nothing more than cover for a revisit to the McConnell/Reid monstrosity. We will remember these heroes and what they stand for.

So what do Republicans do? Why they come up with pointless plans that in reality are no different from the Democrats. Don’t talk to me about a Balanced Budget Amendment. They aren’t serious, they only put in a provision to get a chance to vote on it. It will never materialize that way. It’s another lie. And the cuts are a joke – they will not happen. Forget about capping spending – the Cloward and Piven frenzy of spending continues its suicidal dance, capering gleefully toward the chasm’s edge.

And some of those we believed to be true Tea Party patriots have been seduced by the dark side. They caved at the first opportunity and turned away from those who helped elect them. Spines we thought were forged from steel morphed into slinkies in record time.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty,
the tranquility of servitude
better than the animating contest of freedom,
go home from us in peace.
We ask not your counsels or your arms.
Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you,
and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”

Samuel Adams

Congress is still deadlocked on the budget. God help us if the horrific McConnell/Reidplan goes through empowering a Super Congress, raising the debt ceiling by 3 Trillion with staggered cuts that will almost assuredly never materialize. But if it does not go through, I believe Obama will opt for an Executive Order, using the 14th Amendment as cover, ushering us into a dictatorship with an iron grip on America’s throat and jackboots dancing an evil jig on the Constitution. Boehner and all the other RINOs are complicit. We are watching what you do, not what you say.

As Boehner and McConnell strike a deal with the devil, the clock ticks on towards the Tuesday deadline. As for me, I take the conservative stand come hell or high water. Patriots prepare. Progressives be damned.